Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Loon

 My favorite bird is the Loon because of its eerie call and it's red eyes in the evening sun. They're very pretty birds. black and white feathers they can also be brown and white but my favorite are the ones that are b/w (by the way the b/w does not mean by the way! it means black and white)Lucy goes CRAZY over the loon's song!(you wonder why they say:crazy as a loon)lol! If you have a dog try it some time! so funny!(though if your dog is scared of the sound of squeaking you may not want to, but lucy thinks is an animal and tries to get up our shoe tree, lol our laptop is right next to it)
here is what there call sounds like:
please comment!

 Also, I made a bird movie It's on my recent blog Camera Lights Action.

Thanks for reading!


  1. The loon is really pretty! I'll check out your videos, I always enjoy them.

  2. thanks ! glad you enjoy them, hope you like this one!
