Friday, August 3, 2012


Friday is my favorite day. We usually start the day off with soccer but in the summer we don't have soccer. Afterwards we have our friends over if it works out for them to come. when they are here we play on the golf course a lot, if we want make a movie, or model for our fashion blog we share.when they leave I help my mom make pizza for dinner and when every thing is done we watch a movie, the olympics, or a Ranger's game.

What is your favorite day and WHY?
Please comment.


  1. Wow!! Your Fridays rock! I like Sundays best! Church, free time to do whatever in the afternoons, and I usually get to talk to my cousin on Sundays!

    Oh and by the way I know you comment on my blog a lot but for some reason I get the email saying you comment (I have it set up to email me when i get a comment) but it never shows up on my blog so I can never reply!! And I feel really bad and I tried to comment on your blog before telling you this but it didn't work!! Stupid lol!

  2. yeah that happened with one of your comments but this one worked! yeah Sunday is a great day to pick!love it.

    that's okay!maybe we can set up a post on my blog that you can just reply on(know what i mean?) if you want. yeah LOL it make's it's mistakes to.
    thanks for the comment!
    <3 Sarah

  3. I love Fridays also, Finish homework if any is left. Sometimes soccer, Than go to a friends house (:)), Go home, do chores. Go get pizza, watch a movie, than have a sleep over in our parents room! :)
