Saturday, January 21, 2012


Thanks so much Erica for the award! And i wish to pass this award on to five others! here's how it works:
There are two parts to it when you are nominated.  First you have to list seven things or more about yourself that your readers might not know.  Then you pass the love along by nominating (up to) five of your favorite blogs for the award.

1.i'd rather eat bread than candy
2.just finished reading Phantom Tollbooth ( if you haven't read it you NEED to)
3.i'm going to be playing on a softball league this spring!
4.i was dared by my sister to eat a peanut butter mayonnaise sandwich (NEVER do this)
5. read a whole hank the cow dog book in 2hr. 
6.did the pogo stick 200 jumps!
7.ate frog legs. egh!
8.swam in my pool 35 degrees i think around that temp. and got used to it.
9.ate a banana  split with probably 50 people ( only one bit. too many germs!)
10.want to go out of the states to Europe!

Presenting this Award to:
 The Adventures of Erika
 Being Creative
 Sarah The Dreamer
 Every Little Thing
 The Noelle's Studio

Thanks again and enjoy!